
Sustainability is about ensuring long term business success while contributing towards economic and social development, a healthy environment and a stable society. Put simply, sustainability is anchored in 3Ps i.e. Planet, People and Profit.

Sustainability is creation of value for a wide range of stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, communities and Government, with particular consideration for the needs of future generation. The global importance of sustainability is reflected in changing customer expectations and emerging national and international legislation. Companies’ chances of operating successfully and engaging in international trade depend more and more on their ability to mitigate social and environmental risks and to capitalize on opportunities for innovation. Sustainability has become an essential element of competitive advantage something which business cannot ignore.

Our Sustainability Drivers

Sustainable Development Goals

We have adopted and integrated 9 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our operational goals. The SDGs provide us with a new way of looking at how our business is contributing to the needs and ambitions of society.


No Poverty


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Reduced Inequalities


Sustainable Cities and communities


Responsible consumption & production


Climate Action


Peace, Justice & strong institutions


Partnerships for The Goals

KCB Group 10-Point Action Plan

KCB Group tracks and measures the performance of the company’s progress in achieving goals in the strategy through the 10-point action plan. Below are the key indicators and how we have performed over the past year.

Social Stability

Our commitment to develop equitable, inclusive products equitable, inclusive products and to support our youth and communities to prosper and thrive, enables us to create shared value.

Environmental Stability

We support responsible finance and consumption, green finance and lowering our Carbon Footprint to protect and enhance the environment on which we depend.

Financial Stability

Transformative partnerships help us provide access to financial products and services that leads to inclusive progress.

Economic Stability

Regulatory compliance, innovative and robust systems, security and ethics are critical components that form the foundation of a stable and prosperous economy in which we operate.

10 Point Action Plan

Social Stability

Economic Stability

Environmental Stability


Financial Stability

Portfolio reimagining

Added-value partnership

Financial Inclusion

Environmental footprint

Cyber security awareness & fortification


Align our business strategy with societys goals as expressed in the SDGs, Paris Climate Agreement and other frameworks


Commit to transparency and accountability for our positive and negative impacts, and our contribution to societys goals


Continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing our negative impacts


Implement commitments through effective governance and setting targets for our most significant impacts


Work responsibly with our clients and customers to create shared prosperity for current and future generations

Our Approach

KCB’s Eco-efficiency through the KCB green agenda. KCB’s Sustainability Reporting which is basically expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account ecological and social performance in addition to financial performance (Annual reports). KCB Sustainable banking through KCB SEMS (Social and Environmental Management System) Social and Environmental Management System is a framework that integrates social and environmental risk management into business process and aids the Financial Institution to avoid and manage loans with potential social and environmental risks by conducting social & environmental due diligence prior to loan disbursement.